I wish you had an affiliate program so I could help sell your products on my site. I’m starting a website for black women and men. I have natural products on my site also. I will still recommend you on my website. God Bless you Fam.
January 08, 2021
I wish you had an affiliate program so I could help sell your products on my site. I’m starting a website for black women and men. I have natural products on my site also. I will still recommend you on my website. God Bless you Fam.
January 08, 2021
Could the graying of a beard due to genetics? I’m 40 and both the hair on my head and beard are graying. Or is this tied to nutrition? I get plenty of exercise (5 days a week) and water. I also take a multivitamin. Thanks!
January 08, 2021
Will anymore wooden combs be available?
anthony otti
September 09, 2020
I cant wait to grow my beards
Change Shipping Country
May 31, 2023
Thanks, bro greatly presents