Assalaamu alaykum brother that’s a interesting question about making wudu approximately five times a day or even more because within that we wet our beards. Now going back to what brandon is mentioning that its not just one thing and so that’s why he mentions to us to take a systematic approach. I would recommend monitoring your daily keeping it oil and don’t pick or pull hairs out because I’ve been experiencing breakage for the last several years and it’s only begun now within this last year of using his products im now starting to see healthy hair growth, but remember its fighting those free radicals, not having to much oil in your beard but just enough to the point that it’s moisturized, eating healthy, clearing your body of toxins, so and so forth. So yes it’s a systematic approach brother. MAY ALLAH GRANT YOU AND US A NICE AND HEALTHY BEARD AMEEN!
Tony McBride
April 20, 2021
This is really good!